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Lowongan Kerja PT Saptaindra Sejati - Operator

Lokermining - PT Saptaindra Sejati (SIS) is one of Indonesia’s leading and largest mining contractors. SIS provides a broad range of services for the coal mining industry, covering many aspects from contract mining services, civil works, and infrastructure development to land logistics. Due to its large exposure to customers in the coal mining sector, SIS can be impacted by the fluctuations of coal prices.

2021 started with a stronger outlook for the coal industry hence SIS’s customers planned to recover and increase operational activities to seize the upside of the positive coal market. SIS performance was also affected by prolonged wet weather during the year, availability of equipment, as well as challenging manpower recruitment process in relation to COVID-19 protocol. In 2021, SIS achieved overburden removal volume of 161.1 Mbcm, a decline of 1.3% y-o-y compared to 2020. SIS’s coal production volume in 2021 increased by 4.5% y-o-y to 43.4 Mt.

At the end of 2021, SIS owned more than 2,800 units of heavy equipment, including 400-tonne class face shovels and excavators, and dump truck with 200-tonne capacity. SIS managed to maintain 93% physical availability of its equipment, above the standard operational parameter, and 54% utilization availability. In addition, SIS recognizes that to meet the future growth targets, it has to continuously develop the competence of its workforce of 4,663 operators, 1,519 mechanics, 104 engineers, 522 administration, and 1,786 management staff. In 2021, SIS continued to conduct integrated hard skill (technical) and soft skill (managerial) training which was necessary to ensure satisfactory and on-time project deliveries and received Subroto Award 2021 by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on the category of permanent business entity with the best human resource development.

For more information please visit https://adaro.com/

PT Saptaindra Sejati (Adaro Energy) saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk posisi:


Untuk detail posisi:

  1. Operator DT (Roda 10/12)
  2. Operator HDT 785/CAT 777
  3. Operator Excavator
  4. Operator Dozer
  5. Operator Grader

Kriteria & Persyaratan:

  • Usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Minimal Pendidikan terakhir SLTA/sederajat
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Tidak dalam masa penyembuhan pasca operasi
  • Mempunyai pengalaman kerja lebih dari 2 tahun di posisi yang sama
  • Tinggi Badan minimal 163 cm
  • Sudah Vaksin minimal vaksin dosis 3 (booster)

Kelengkapan Berkas Asli:

Dibawa pada saat test:

  • Surat lamaran
  • CV (Curicullum Vitae)
  • eKTP
  • SIM B2 (Boleh Menyusul)
  • Ijazah terakhir
  • Pengalaman Kerja (Surat Paklaring)
  • Sertifikat pendukung (Contoh: Sertifikat pelatihan (training)/Mine Permit/Copy Kontrak/ foto waktu bekerja)
  • SKCK (Boleh Menyusul)
  • Form AK 1/ Kartu Kuning (Boleh Menyusul)
  • Pas foto (3x4) 1 lembar (Boleh Menyusul)

Masukkan lamaran pada link berikut selambatnya tanggal 30 Juni 2023



  • Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi
  • PT Saptaindra Sejati tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen

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