Lowongan Kerja PT Sinar Terang Mandiri - Operator dan Driver
Lokermining - PT Sinar Terang Mandiri is a company that specializes in heavy equipment contracting, mining and civil construction projects as well as stone crushing and pavement production. We are based in Manado, Indonesia. Our company was created in 1992 and has grown to become a preferred and trusted mining contractor in earthworks and roadworks for mining infrastructures, roads, bridges and drainages, overburden removal, ore getting, ore hauling, stockpile management, and barging.
Our Vision :
- To be the public company of choice having diversified businesses around the world and being number one in all aspects, by embracing the latest technology, integrating with a sustainable environment, and leaving a good legacy by being a world role model.
Our Mission :
- Providing the best for people and the environment by becoming an adaptive, innovative and competitive company
- Creating added value and competitive benefits for countries, communities, workers, vendors and shareholders wherever the company operates
- To be a special safe place to work, contribute to maintaining a sustainable environment, and be a good neighbour to the community
- Giving a good legacy by being a world model company
Our Services :
- Mining
- Mining Operation, Infrastructure, Survey, Mine Plan Engineering & Development, Grade Control, OB Removal, Stockpile Management, Hauling, and Barging
- Civil Construction
- Road, Bridge and Drainage and other Infrastructures, Building Construction, General Construction
- Pavement Construction
- Production and Installment of Pavement
- Stone Crushing
- Production and Processing of Gravel
Saat ini, PT Sinar Terang Mandiri, yang memiliki Head office di Manado, dan memiliki salah satu project Mine Operation dengan Client PT. Hengjaya Mineralindo, memiliki kontrak atas Nickel Mining Operation, membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja untuk posisi operator dan driver dengan detail sebagai berikut.
Loker PT Sinar Terang Mandiri
Posisi :
- Operator Excavator
- Operator Bulldozer
- Operator Motor Grader
- Operator Articulated Dump Truck (ADT)
- Driver Dump Truck Shacman (12 Roda)
- Driver Dump Truck Hino (10 Roda)
- Usia Minimal 23 Tahun - Maksimal 47 Tahun
- Pengalaman Minimal 1 Th sesuai posisi yang dilamar
- Memiliki SIM B2/SIM B2 Umum
- Bersedia bekerja dengan system roster
- Vaksin 2
- Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat
- Memiliki SKCK yang masih berlaku
- Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba yang masih berlaku 9. Bersedia menunjukkan dokumen asli jika diperlukan
Alamat : Desa Tangofa, Kec. Bungku Pesisir Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah
Perhatian !
- Lowongan ini GRATIS!
- Tanpa Pungutan Biaya
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